` scars and souvenirs is a blog I made dedicated to my roleplay stories on World of Warcraft. it is here that I will post both played-out stages of my characters' journeys, as well as experiences from their past that helped to make them who they are. I hope you can find these tales interesting, and if you have any questions or some constructive criticism feel free to drop me a message! :)

I'll mark all my posts with one of the following letters or words to label them- that way, nobody should get confused as to when they took place or what they're about!

x ;; past
o ;; roleplayed
v ;; an OOC update
diary ;; IC thoughts, though not necessarily kept in a journal

Friday, October 19, 2012

v 10/19/12 (NSFW)

Gift art of Seilu Fangshiv.

Check out her tumblr here: http://fitzefitcher.tumblr.com/

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